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Propagation Policies

Multicloud Management supports viewing the propagation policy list of the current instance and its associated multicloud resources on the interface, supports creating and editing propagation policy information in the form of YAML and wizard. When deleting a propagation policy, if the policy is currently in use, a prompt will be given.

Propagation policies define how resources are distributed across multicloud and clusters. Propagation Policy is divided into Namespace Scope and Cluster Scope.

  • Namespace Propagation Policy represents a policy that propagates a set of resources to one or more member clusters, and can only propagate resources in its own namespace.
  • Cluster Propagation Policy represents a cluster-wide policy for propagating a set of resources to one or more member clusters, capable of propagating cluster-level resources and resources in any namespace other than the system-reserved namespace.

Create from YAML

  1. After entering a multicloud instance, in the left navigation bar, click Policy Management -> Propagation Policies -> Namespace Scope , and click the Create from YAML button in the upper right corner.

    Namespace YAML PP

  2. On the Create from YAML page, after entering the correct YAML statement, click OK .

    Input YAML

  3. Return to the propagation policy list, and the newly created one is the first one by default. Click on the right side of the list to edit YAML and perform delete operations.

YAML example

Here is an example YAML for a propagation policy that you can use with a little modification.

YAML example
kind: PropagationPolicy
  name: nginx-propagation
  namespace: default
  uid: 2190e122-a6b0-4994-80e6-5c03a9d1d3a4
  resourceVersion: '24258'
  generation: 1
  creationTimestamp: '2022-09-15T10:04:20Z'
    - apiVersion: apps/v1
      kind: Deployment
      namespace: default
      name: nginx
      - key:
        operator: Exists
        effect: NoExecute
        tolerationSeconds: 300
      - key:
        operator: Exists
        effect: NoExecute
        tolerationSeconds: 300

Create Propagation Policy

  1. Follow the steps below to create a propagation policy.

    • Basic Settings: fill in the name, select the multicloud namespace, and add label annotations
    • Resource Quotas: select multicloud resources and target deployment clusters
    • Propagation Policies: Scheduling type, taint tolerance, you can choose whether to enable spread constraints, support filling in priority (propagation policy can also be created at the same time when creating resources, when the propagation policy is also created on this page, you can choose according to the priority level to determine which propagation policy the resource uses)

    Create Namespace PP

    Fill the Form

  2. The form creates a cluster scope propagation policy without selecting a namespace.

    Create Cluster PP


    If you want to delete a propagation policy, you need to remove the workload related to the policy first. After the deletion, all the information related to the policy will be deleted. Please operate with caution.
